Turkey complete

Age How much a day? How often a day?
< 4 months 60-80gr per kg of the ideal weight 4 x per day
4-6 months 50-70gr per kg of the ideal weight 3 x per day
6-8 months 40-60gr per kg of the ideal weight 3 x per day
>8 months 30gr per kg of the ideal weight 2 x per day
  • Example 1: The dog (>8 months) weighs 10kg and is at the ideal weight -> 300g per day (30g * 10 = 300g) -> 2 x 150g per day.

  • Example 2: Dog (>8 months) weighs 30kg but its target weight is 25kg -> 750g per day (30g * 25 = 750g) -> 2 x 375g per day.

  • This table is a guideline - feel free to adjust the amount based on activity, gender, race... to maintain ideal body weight. Never change your food all at once, but increase gradually (accumulation period of +- 1 week). If you have any questions about how much to donate (for example for your puppy), do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

1. Place the sausages / nuggets as soon as possible after purchase in the freezer
2. Defrost the desired quantity in the refrigerator.
(8-12u) or in a hot air oven (25 min - 40°).
3. Always serve sufficient drinking water with meals.
4. Always wash your hands and equipment after use.
5. Once defrosted, you can store the meat in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Nutritional values


Turkey 87% (muscle meat, meaty back part, skin, liver), beet pulp (dried), spinach, pea, pumpkin, carrot, salmon oil, rapeseed oil, minerals, apple.


Proteins 12,5
Fats 14,8
Raw ash 3,5
Raw fiber 0,8
Calcium 0,7
Phosphorus 0,5
Humidity 65,8
Dry 34,2


Iron 3b103 50 mg/kg
Iodine 3b202 0,78mg/kg
Copper 3b405 2,5 mg/kg
Copper 3b406 2,5 mg/kg
Manganese 3b503 20 mg/kg
Zinc 3b605 50 mg/kg
Selenium 3b801 0,15 mg/kg
Vitamin A 3a672a 6500 IU/kg
Vitamin D3 3a671 650 IE/kg
Vitamin E 3a700 100 mg/kg